News from the hosting side!
Time for goodbyes Last weekend was the End of Stay camp for our students hosted in the Year Program 2017-2018. The whole thing started on Saturday, with a little tradition…
Time for goodbyes Last weekend was the End of Stay camp for our students hosted in the Year Program 2017-2018. The whole thing started on Saturday, with a little tradition…
Heil og sæl! Ég heiti Ásdís Björk og er nýjasti starfsmaður skrifstofu AFS, en í febrúarbyrjun hóf ég störf sem verkefnastjóri. Ég kynntist AFS fyrst 8 ára gömul og ákvað…
Nafnleysa is changing its format! From now on, our newsletter won’t be issued every 3rd months on, but articles will instead be published every now and then on our website,…