Tæland, hliðið að Suðaustur-Asíu, laðar til sín fleiri ferðamenn en nokkuð annað land í sínum heimshluta, enda er landslagið ægifagurt og landið státar af ríkulega skreyttum hofum, auðugri matarmenningu og rústum ævafornra konungsríkja. Þú færð að kynnast heillandi og einstakri menningu, dásamlegum mat, hugleiðslu, búddahofum og markaðstorgum sem iða af lífi langt fram á kvöld.

Skólinn er miðpunkturinn í lífi taílenskra ungmenna og allt félagslíf þeirra snýst um skólann. Að fara í bíó og horfa á sjónvarp er vinsælasta afþreyingin en vinsælustu íþróttagreinarnar eru fótbolti, borðtennis, badminton, og blak. Fæst ungmenni í Tælandi nota áfengi eða tóbak.


People & Community

You may be placed in a regional capital or small town in any region of Thailand, from the northern teak forests, to the central farming plains, or the southern tropical beaches. Many families include several generations living together, and visiting relatives in different parts of the country is common. Families also enjoy spending weekends together at home, where you will experience how Thai families are bound by tradition with a long history. You should always ask permission from your host parents before going out.Thai people greet each other with a wai (pressing their palms together as they bow or curtsy) to show respect. Thais try to live with a jai yen (a cool heart), so you won’t usually see them expressing extreme emotions. 


Thailand has many different types of schools, which are usually the center of the community and you will most likely be placed in a public school. The school you attend and the courses you take will depend on your age and interests as well as on the area you live in. School year starts in May and ends in February (7.30 am to 3.30 pm), with a mid-year break in October. Students wear uniforms. Thai schools offer culture-related subjects such as Thai language, dancing, sword fighting, music, cooking, arts, history, Buddhism and meditation. There are academic, sports and recreational clubs that meet both after school and for one period a week during school sessions. 


Thai is the official language of Thailand and the language that will be spoken in your host community and school. All instruction, with the exception of foreign languages, is done in Thai. You don’t have to speak Thai before the program, and your host school, or local volunteers will help you learn the language once the program begins.

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Thai cuisine consists of rice, curries, fish and vegetables, mixed with spicy pepper and peanut sauces. Typical meats include pork and chicken and a wide variety of fruit is available year-round. Most Thai families share the evening meal together. Families eat in the communal style: Each person has a bowl of rice while other dishes are placed in the center of the table and shared by everyone. Popular dishes include pad Thai (pan-fried noodles), yam (spiced salad), and tom yum kung (lemon-flavored soup with shrimp).

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