Síðasta brottför haustsins

Í gær flaug síðasti nemi haustbrottfarar á brott í skiptinámið sitt, alla leið til Japan. Þetta var lítill hópur sem hélt á brott í skiptinám nú í haust og til vel valinna landa. Vegna Covid-19 dreifðust brottfarir yfir lengri tíma en vanalega, fyrstu nemar fóru af stað í ágúst og sá seinasti nú í lok nóvember. Skondið er að segja frá því að nokkur þeirra fyrstu til að fara út, sem eru í 3 mánaða skiptinámi, eru einmitt á heimleið núna um helgina. Dreifingin er því töluverð. Við erum ákaflega stolt af þeirri þrautseigju og sveigjanleika sem nemarnir okkar hafa sýnt á þessum óvenjulegu tímum.


Við erum byrjuð að leita af fjölskyldum fyrir nemana sem koma í ágúst 2021.? Hér getur þú kynnst þeim: https://www.afs.is/fosturfjol…/skiptinemar-a-islandi-2021/

Instagram takeovers

Have you ever wondered how our participants are experiencing their exchanges? In the coming months both hosting and sending participants have the opportunity to do a takeover on our instagram stories. They will show how their life abroad is or how it is to be an AFS’er in our country. Have you seen the stories of Mateya yet? Check them out now. She will be sharing her life until the end of the weekend.

Volunteer Survey and Evaluation 2020

The Volunteer Survey and Evaluation is a global AFS survey in which information is gathered on the volunteering experience. Would you like your voice to be heard? We love to hear your opinions! 

This survey will help us as an organization to improve and grow more in the future! We would hugely appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out this survey. You have until the 14th of December to fill it out.

>> Find the survey here <<

IPOT opening up

Do you want to be part of the Icelandic Pool of trainers? You can find more information and sign up in the form: https://forms.gle/gZ5JgV3kCjqYtRA59

Icelandic classes for participants

Our volunteers have already prepared 5 online Icelandic classes for our students. We went through several topics and learned a bunch of new phrases and vocabulary. Some students already understand quite well and some still need more time but we are making progress! ?

There two more classes to go so there is still a lot to be looking forward to!

International Volunteer day 2020

December 5th 2020 is the International volunteer day! During this day there will be an event  from AFS International to join! See the message from them below:

We are excited to announce a special event to celebrate all AFS volunteers, on Saturday, December 5th starting at 8:30 am NY time.

The online celebration, taking place on International Volunteer Day, will be an opportunity to learn about AFS’s history of volunteering, and give participants the chance to meet and have fun with other volunteers from around the world.

The agenda includes panel discussions, volunteer activities that every AFSer knows and loves, and the announcement of this year’s AFS Volunteer Award winners. Join us in celebrating the amazing people that make our organization move forward everyday!

Share this event and come that day wearing your favorite AFS t-shirt! Register here: http://go.afs.org/volunteerday